Decision Support Systems and Other Customized Software Tools


Advanced System Automation’s proprietary software tools are at the heart of the company’s infrastructure implementation services. These software tools are used by ASA staff in virtually all projects, but are also available to be licensed for customer use after a project implementation. With these tools customers can adapt to new business demands, make faster decisions and fix problems before they impact business and management infrastructure. ASA software tools enable customers to reduce costs, eliminate errors and improve operations by automating and streamlining collaboration infrastructure. Customers leverage ASA software to increase efficiency through best practice project execution, resource optimization and comprehensive project management as well as to ensure the cost-effective and strategic deployment of IT and other key resources by managing services and the assets that support them,

and by automating processes to increase efficiencies and better handle change. These powerful software tools can be used for:


Collaboration and knowledge management through a unique and state-of-the-art collaboration environment that allows enterprises with multiple locations or several organizations that tie specific functions together in common initiatives to streamline communication activities between various locations and entities so that these organizations can realize greater economic efficiencies that they would if they continued to operate alone


Coordination of decision support systems, integrating new data and ensuring data validity

Development of software tools for companies promoting newly launched products that allow sales reps and marketing managers to effectively communicate and coordinate product positioning, messages, and presentations


Helping companies design web-based ordering and tracking systems for global product availability

Development of sales and marketing expenses analysis tools to determine multi-year budget figures for close to launch products

Development of optimization and evaluation tools to assess and evaluate the selection of key products and services or to assess “go to” market strategies and tactics for specific products


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